Monday, 16 April 2018

Grinding of the hull completed

First step in grinding he hull is to remove all excess glue from the joints. This is made by using a triangular scraper. These ar modified to have various rounded shapes to also fit the inside of the canoe. The Titebond III excess glue comes off easily.

Scraper with various shape. Razor sharp.

Rough grinding is made with the battery powered sander or by hand using sanding blocks. All sanding tools is connected to a vacuum cleaner to get rid of all the dust. Sand paper is Mirka Abranet which is superior in terms of efficiency and durability. Starting with 80 grit and finish with 240.

Battery powered sander connected to battery powered vacuum cleener.

Mirka sanding block with interchangeable soles.
Flat, concave or two different convex ones. 
Two hand Mirka sanding block for the large flat areas. This
block is adjustable to fit both concave and convex surface

Looks OK

Other angle

Here is an area with both convex and concave areas. With right
tools it is not difficult to get a good result